‘Shark Tank’s’ Glen Richards strengthens local job seeker resolve

By: rflor 28 Aug 2017 Media Releases

‘Shark Tank’ entrepreneur Dr Glen Richards will be sharing valuable business insights and survival tips when he drops in on yourtown job seekers, in Ipswich, tomorrow, Tuesday 29 August.

The popular Channel 10 personality and highly successful business entrepreneur is well known to the Australian community as the founder and former CEO of Greencross, Australia’s largest pet care company. Glen spent 10 years building the multi-million dollar pet care empire, which operates more than 130 veterinary hospitals in Australia, New Zealand and China.
Tomorrow, in conjunction with ‘Fair Go Australia’, Glen will share his experience and business acumen with yourtown job seekers in the Ipswich based yourtown Transition to Work (TTW) program.

According to yourtown Head of Client Services Brendan Bourke, TTW provides young people with intensive, pre-employment support to improve their work readiness and help them find work, education or training opportunities.

yourtown has been working with ‘Fair Go Australia’ who helps connect young people with volunteers and entrepreneurs who inspire young people just starting out. We’re very pleased to welcome Glen as part of that program, who will talk about his own experiences and how to build resilience in what can sometimes be a tough journey,” Mr Bourke said.

“It’s valuable advice for young people new to the work arena. Young people get a lot out of meeting and learning first hand from those who have worked hard to reach their goals. It helps create brighter futures by encouraging job seekers to focus on their own goals with a renewed determination.”

TTW is delivered in partnership with the Federal Department of Employment and is aimed at young people aged 15-21 years, particularly young school leavers, and uses a mix of motivational, skills based and vocational tools to help young people transition to work or further study.

More than 150 young people in the Ipswich region have been placed into work or education by the yourtown TTW program since it began in March 2016.

The yourtown TTW program operates across 12 regions in Australia, including South East Brisbane (SEB) that includes Ipswich, Beenleigh, Logan Central, Kingston and Capalaba.

The TTW team includes employment consultants, youth workers and vocational trainers. Contact TTW’s Amanda Sheldon on 0730736440 / 0466 402 548 or [email protected] for information about the program or visit www.yourtown.com.au


Workshop with Glen will take place tomorrow from 11 - 11.45am. Tuesday, 29 August, yourtown - Ground Floor, 78 Brisbane Street, Ipswich. Glen will be available for interview from 10.45am.


Glen Richards; yourtown young people; yourtown staff. Photographs available on request.



Regan Flor  [email protected]   0423 843 786

Tracey Gillinder   [email protected]   0434 077 478

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