Preparing young people for the future

By: yourtown 14 Jan 2015 BoysTown

Youth unemployment is one of the biggest issues affecting our community today and BoysTown is committed to making a difference.


Last year more than 9,800 young people accessed the BoysTown Employment Service and around 2,500 accessed our work transition, vocational training and work experience services.

We know that it’s not enough to only offer a service to look for work. We need to address the wide range of challenges young people face. Our programs provide life skills development, counselling and work experience as well as employment support.

We also engage employers, schools, training providers and other not-for-profit organisations. We build relationships and connect with the wider community to get the best results for young people.

Strong communities are about creating connections. It is our job to create opportunities that make this possible. Tracy Adams, BoysTown CEO.

To find out more, check out this video or download a copy of the Annual Report in PDF.

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