Homes that make dreams come true

By: yourtown 18 Nov 2013 Prize Homes

When the A Current Affair Team came to visit our Christmas Prize Home they also met with some previous winners.

Shannon and Katie volunteered to have a chat with ACA and share what it feels like to be the lucky ticket holder. As you can imagine, they were still smiling! Their big win happened about 12 months ago and it’s clear that they love their new luxury lifestyle.

It really hit home when we went into BoysTown and saw Kids Helpline all of the other stuff they do. We still like to support BoysTown so we do still buy tickets.

News about winners and updates on home choices are hot topics on our Facebook page. Seeing that others are enjoying the win makes it real. It’s like seeing proof that it can be won!

Thank you for proving that winning happens and helping us out, Shannon and Katie! Stay in touch!

Don’t forget to buy your tickets now and it could be you that’s waking up in luxury this Christmas!

Tell us what you think? What would be the first thing you did if you won?

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