If you access our services...
It’s important that you know what to do and who to turn to if things go wrong or something doesn’t feel right at yourtown. We are here to support you to voice your concern, issue, or complaint. Click on the relevant links below to find out more.
Our Staff...
Are committed to safeguarding. This commitment flows from our Mission and Values and underpins everything we do as an organisation. To this end, yourtown staff must also uphold our Code of Conduct at all times. This Code includes respect for diversity, the promotion of equality and zero tolerance for discrimination of any form.
Our safeguarding policies
Our safeguarding policies govern our practices at yourtown and reflect the 10 National Principles for Child Safe Organisations, the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards, and the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework. This means every area of yourtown's work must consider safeguarding.
yourtown also aligns and reflects Lasallian ANZPNGP District Safeguarding Policies and meets requirements outlined in the Communication Protocol for District Policies and Procedures.

If you work with us…
Providing services directly with children, young people and/or adults at risk you must be able to evidence how you have implemented the National Child Safe Principles or are able to comply with yourtown’s Safeguarding Policy. This includes having staff who have a current Working with Children Check. Our providers code of conduct clearly sets our expectations of you and will soon be published here. Contact [email protected] if you have a question about your compliance.
Our safeguarding work never ends. We are committed to improving our practices at yourtown. Feedback is invited on our organisation's safeguarding approaches, policies, procedures, and practices. Please email us at [email protected] if you would like to share your thoughts or ideas with us or if you see anything that concerns you.
Keeping young people safe is everyone's responsibility!