Surviving Schoolies

By: yourtown 20 Nov 2014 Kids Helpline

For many school leavers the end of exams celebration takes years of planning and for their parents – years of worrying.


Schoolies starts at the end of this week and Kids Helpline has some tips for school leavers on how to stay safe.

  1. Your friends are your best chance of staying safe at Schoolies. Always be near at least one person you can trust and let your friends know where you are going at all times.
  2. Stay in well-lit areas and be aware of where you are and of who is around you. Large crowds and new places often catch us unaware and being seen is often the first step to staying safe.
  3. Eat well and stay hydrated. Be sure to manage your money so that you can always buy a healthy meal, or prepare beforehand and take some with you.
  4. Be aware of social media. Remember, this is the end of your school life but the beginning of a new life. Inappropriate photos and videos can and will be shared and no-one wants a job opportunity put at risk because of something you could have managed better.
  5. Get to know where your support services are just in case you need them. Such as Kids Helpline, police, security, and hotel staff.
Kids Helpline is available 24/7 to all Schoolies during their celebrations, particularly if they feel like they can’t speak to their friends or call their parents; we are there to be the next point of call.

Contact Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. Young people can also visit the Hot Topics section on our website for more tips on Partying Safely.

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