Talking through troubles helps

By: yourtown 17 Jun 2015 Kids Helpline

Every week Kids Helpline connects with thousands of young people and helps them deal with serious issues.


Young people like 13 year old Bonnie*.

“My Mum and I were arguing a lot and it was really tense. We were hardly speaking to each other and it felt like every time we did have a conversation it was because I hadn't done something right. I was really upset, crying in the shower and in my room.”

“One afternoon I decided to try Kids Helpline web counselling. It was great. I talked to an amazing lady who understood what I was going through. Just talking about what was happening made me feel lighter and less depressed.”

“That night I had another argument with my Mum and I decided this time I would call Kids Helpline. My counsellor helped me see things from a different perspective. She could see how confused and frustrated I was. She understood and she listened which was more than I could hope for and she also gave me some great advice.”

After hanging up I felt like I could do a happy dance. I felt so carefree and it had been ages since I felt like that. I could've cried in the good way because I was just so happy that someone finally understood me. Bonnie.

If young people want to talk to someone they can call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or use email or web counselling services. No issue is too big or small.

They can also visit the Hot Topics section on the Kids Helpline website for advice on a range of issues. We also offer advice for parents.

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*Name changed for privacy

#KidsHelplineAU #KHLNotAlone

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