Third time’s a charm

By: yourtown 05 Aug 2014 BoysTown

The slab is down and young people are ready to take up their tools on the BoysTown’s third ‘Build and Sell’ home at Yarrabilba.


Construction is about to ramp up with the frame on site and windows ready to be installed on the four bedroom house.

From this week up to four young people at any one time will be working hard and learning new skills every day alongside qualified trainers.

The house is starting to take shape and we look forward to seeing the young people come together and really starting to work as a team. Alistair Coleman, National Construction Manager

This enterprise gives the participants practical building and construction skills and also provides them with enhanced numeracy and literacy skills to improve their long-term employment opportunities.

We are hoping to help even more young people through social enterprise activities like this one, using proceeds from the sale of the homes we build in Lend Lease’s community to create further opportunities for employment.

Our second home, 515 Huggins Avenue, is currently on sale, so if you are interested or know someone who might be looking to buy a quality home please contact Alistair.

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