25 years of Kids Helpline

By: yourtown 24 Mar 2016 Kids Helpline

This year we mark Kids Helpline's 25th anniversary. Today we celebrated!


Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7 counselling and support service for children and young people aged 5 to 25.

Our qualified counsellors are working right across this Easter weekend and will be available via phone, web and email. Our helpline is free, private and confidential. Our new webchat is proving to be a popular way for young people to communicate with us and get help.

How do we help?

“During primary school I was bullied for six years straight and my school didn’t do anything about it. I was called ‘gay’ and other names. I was told to ‘die in a hole’ and ‘no one loves you’. They told me I was worthless. I tried to kill myself.

"Then I found Kids Helpline. They told me things that changed me for good. I still have depression but no longer need tablets for it. I am much happier now. I thank Kids Helpline with all of my heart,” 14 year old boy.

“Without KHL, our precious daughter would most certainly not be here with us today – how can we ever repay a debt like that? One day it might be you that needs their help,” Mother of 16 year girl.

What it means to work for Kids Helpline?

“Whenever I meet someone and talk gets around to what sort of work I do, they say how hard it must be to have to hear the depressing stories of pain, abuse or suicide that kids and young people contact Kids Helpline about.

"While this description is at times true, it doesn’t reflect the real picture of the uplifting and empowering work happening every day through strength-based counselling. Kids and young people contact us to talk about very challenging or traumatic life situations and to process distressed emotion, however in most cases, the focus of counselling is about the way forward.

“As a Counsellor and Supervisor at Kids Helpline, I know it’s a place that kids and young people feel safe to come to for both emotional support and for qualified help in working out where-to-from-here. At the end of the day (or night, for that matter), what everyone at Kids Helpline is about is working together with our clients towards positive outcomes.

People are sometimes surprised when I say I look forward to going to work. When they hear about the positive change focus that counselling at Kids Helpline is about though, they start to get the picture. Matt, Kids Helpline Counsellor

Contact us any time and for any reason - 1800 55 1800 or kidshelpline.com.au.

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#KidsHelplineAU #KHLNotAlone #AnswerTheCall

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